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Boaz Pest Management Corp.: FDA Licensed Pest Control in the Philippines

If you are looking for a pest control company accredited by Food and Drug Administration - Philippines (previously BFAD), you have landed on the right page.

Boaz Pest Management Corp., aside from being ISO 9001:2015 certified, is now an FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator in compliance with FDA Circular No. 2022-010 or Implementing Guidelines of the Department of Health on the issuance of License to Operate as Household/ Urban Pest Control Operators.

FDA recognizes the importance of pest management in the implementation of the Agency’s mandate to protect the health of the public, not only by ensuring that safe, effective, and, quality household/urban pesticide products are made available to the market, but likewise, in that the proper use, application, transfer, storage, and disposal of such household/urban pesticide products are carried out effectively.

In this light, FDA released a Circular that further outlines the licensing provisions of Department of Health (DOH) Administrative Order (AO) No. 2019-0010, entitled “Guidelines on the Regulation of Operators of Pest Control, Certification of Pesticide Handlers, and Accreditation of Their Training Providers” issued on 18th of June, 2019, for compliance of all concerned establishments. Among the objectives of the Department of Health Administrative Order No. 2019-0010 are 1) To establish standard regulatory procedures in the regulation of pest control operators, certification of pesticide handlers, and accreditation of training providers. 2) To provide guidelines in the licensing of establishments of pest control operators, certification of pesticide handlers, and accreditation of training providers. 3) To establish health & safety provisions in the conduct of pest control to protect the pesticide handlers and the public.

Further to this, on November 8, 2022, FDA released the FDA Circular 2022-010 as Implementing Guidelines of DOH AO No. 2019-0010 on the issuance of Licenses to Operate as Household/ Urban Pest Control Operators, and/ or Other Purposes. The terms used in this FDA Circular 2022-010 shall have the same meaning as defined in RA 9711 and its IRR, DOH AO No. 2019-0010, and related laws and regulations. For this Circular, the Pest Control Operator (PCO) establishment shall likewise be referred to as a PCO Authorization Holder; and, household/urban pesticides be referred to as household pesticides.

Aligned with this, Boaz Pest Mgt Corp, a Pest Control Operator, immediately applied with FDA to secure License to Operate through the Center for Cosmetics and Household/Urban Hazardous Substances Regulation and Research (CCHUHSRR).


Boaz as an FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator

FDA issued its Decision on the Application of Boaz Pest Corp. this 20th of February, 2023, upon Boaz's satisfactory compliance with all applicable requirements and standards to be an FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator.

The FDA approved Boaz Pest Mgt Corp. bearing License to Operate as Household Pest Control Operator or Urban Pest Control Operator for Commercial Applications as Pest Control Exterminator.

Aside from being a Licensed Pest Control Operator, Boaz Pest Mgt Corp is also licensed by FDA to do Disinfection Services as its additional activities.

As stated in the License to Operate as Pest Control Exterminator issued by FDA, FDA allows the Boaz Pest Mgt Corp. to engage in the business service or commercial application of household/urban pesticide products for purposes of non-agricultural pest control.

Why is Pest Control License from the FDA important?

What differentiates FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator from others?

An FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator qualified with the basic government requirement to conduct effective and safe pest control service to the public.

A Licensed Pest Control Operator has Supervising Pesticide Handlers (SPH) accredited by FDA. An SPH is an individual, authorized to use or supervise the use of pesticides or any methods or services for pest control or implementation of a vermin abatement program, after completion of requirements set by the FDA.

An FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator has an accredited Pesticide Handler accredited by FDA. A Pesticide Handler is an individual including but not limited to drivers, warehousemen, mixers, and applicators, who have completed the basic requirements set by FDA.

A Licensed Pest Control Operator has Occupational Health & Safety Program for the employees, customers, and the environment.

An FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator has a functional and reliable Risk Management Plan.

An FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator has an Employee Healthcare program installed

An FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator has been operating legitimately as a business with complete permits and licenses issued by government & private entities supported by complete documentation.

As an FDA Licensed Pest Control Operator or Licensed Pest Control Exterminator, Boaz Pest Mgt Corp commits to complying with and following FDA standards to ensure the safety and health of Boaz employees, its customers, and the environment.

How will I know if my service provider is a licensed pest control operator by FDA?

You can ask your service provider if they have a license. A copy of the license issued by the FDA is all you need to validate.

What if my current service provider does not have an FDA pest control license just yet?

A customer can choose between 2 options:

Ask your service provider if they are already processing their application. You can also verify and check on the progress of their application so you are not left in the dark.

Search for an alternative service provider that will fit your company's needs.

Whether you are a school, a restaurant, an office, a BPO, a small or big store, a mall, a residential, commercial or multi-purpose building, or church, having a licensed pest control service provider is beneficial to you.

However, this requirement is even more valuable if you are in an industrial food safety business related to warehousing, handling, processing, or manufacturing of food, pharmaceutical, water, and food packaging products.

There is much noise (and resistance) to the current implementation of Licensing to Pest Control Service Providers by the FDA but all we can do is comply. Besides, this is for the benefit of all stakeholders, including the public, customers availing of pest control services, employees of pest control companies, and the environment.

Email , fill out an inquiry form here at, or shoot us a message on our Facebook, page to inquire.


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